Zarihs Retouching services does not claim rights on any paid work. Client will own the complete rights of retouched images & will never be uploaded or posted anywhere without client's permission. Clients
privacy is Zarih's Retouching highest priority.

Terms of services
By submitting images, you authorize Zarihs Retouching to work on the images. You certify that you hold the copyright or have the written permission from the photographer to manipulate the photo. By submitting photos to Zarihs Retouching you affirm no copyright is infringed. We will not be liable to you or any third party for such copyright infringement. Zarihs Retouching is not responsible for the final end user utilization of the retouched images and any damages that you might make in its use. Any kind of unpaid work Zarihs Retouching Services will retain all rights for retouched images and images will be used online or offline if client does not make payment.

Guarantees & Refunds
Zarihs Retouching guarantees to give the best possible results on images, but there will be no refunds under any circumstances.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”